An Intelligent Online Recruiting Tool
- Attract active, qualified candidates searching specifically for your jobs
- Job listings are cross-posted to every relevant job board in our network
- At only $99 for 60 Days, our recruiting solutions are extremely cost-effective
The Locate Jobs Network is built on the premise that carefully targeted candidates are significantly more valuable than general job seekers when recruiting for talent- or skill-specific positions in specific locations. As a result, every website in our network is dedicated to a specific job title, a specific industry or a specific geographic location - and sometimes a combination of the three. Job seekers typically find our sites through the organic search results of the major search engines. The sites of the Locate Jobs Network are designed to rank well under the targeted terms that job seekers use to find the jobs that may get overlooked at the larger "one size fits all" job sites.
Bulk Job Posting & Custom Recruiting Options
If you require a large number of job posts or would like to discuss long-term recruiting solutions, contact us today to learn more about how we can put the power of the Locate Jobs Network to work for you.Niche Job Boards Produce More Qualified Candidates
By building smaller and more focused job boards, we feel that we deliver much greater value to employers, recruiters and recruitment advertising agencies who post jobs online with us. In addition to the targeted approach of our niche job boards, our prices are lower than most other online job boards and employment websites. At the Locate Jobs Network, we believe that online recruiting resources must be cost-effective, and our job posting rates reflect our commitment to that ideal. As our network continues to grow and evolve, our goal is to improve the user experience for everyone posting jobs with us. We are always open to your suggestions and your ideas as to how we can deliver more value to your online hiring and recruiting efforts.